Dynamic Care Technologies
We providing you with a gentler solution.
At Dynamic Care Technologies we understand that while pharmaceutical options may be effective in helping you or your loved ones manage their anxiety, they are not always necessary or ideal. This is why we have created a non-pharmaceutical option to help sooth you without any of the side effects. The rocking motion has been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety in people living with Alzheimer's and Dementia. The IQ-Rock can automatically detect when you are not feeling your best and start gently rocking you without the need for a caretaker to do anything.
While there are multiple dynamic rocking chairs on the market already, we believe in providing affordable options that fit your needs. The IQ-Rock is not a chair, it is a platform that can support ANY chair. This means you do not have to give up your favorite chair or deal with having to be transferred from your wheelchair to experience the benefits of the rocking motion.
Our Team.
Our team at Dynamic Care Technologies combines diverse skill sets, expertise, and unwavering dedication to drive advancements in healthcare technology. With a shared vision, we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of elderly individuals and shaping the future of healthcare.